Hog Roast Holyhead Caters For All 

The great thing about a Hog Roast is that it is a fairly cheap way of feeding lots of people. The most wonderful thing about Hog Roast Holyhead’s Hog Roast is that you get a vegetarian and vegan option so that every guest can eat.

Hog Roast HolyheadThose who eat meat receive a soft roll or tortilla wrap filled to the brim with moist and flavoursome pulled pork, flavourful homemade stuffing and a sweet sauce. Crackling is optional but very satisfyingly crunchy, it does not disappoint fans. Hog Roast Holyhead does a selection of rolls, guests can choose between cheesy, wholemeal or white, sometimes the occasional but exciting purple beetroot roll makes an appearance. Hog Roast Holyhead likes to tailor the food to your guests so that each guests gets a happy and fulfilled experience. Rather than just provide the traditional and yummy apple sauce, Hog Roast Holyhead brings sweet chilli, ketchup and mayonnaise . The tangy sweet chilli is the ultimate favourite at most jobs.

Vegetarians receive a colourful and tasty kebab made up of Mediterranean vegetables and halloumi chunks drizzled a punchy Cajun marinade. These are grilled separately to the pig and best served in a tortilla wrap with a dash of sweet chilli sauce although, yoghurt and mint sauce goes equally well.

Another vegetarian option which is also suitable for vegan guests is BBQ pulled Jackfruit. A bourbon infused BBQ sauce is poured into a delicious medley of jackfruit, onions and pepper slices. The Jackfruit can be served either by itself or in a roll or wrap.

In the past, clients have requested certain vegetarian and vegan dishes knowing what these guests like. For example, Hog Roast Holyhead has served tasteful halloumi and portobello mushroom burgers, chickpea-based sausages, quiche, Quorn chilli with a bit of a kick to it and most popular is stuffed peppers where vegetable couscous is placed into a red or yellow pepper with cheese sprinkled over the top and baked.

Many if not most of Hog Roast Holyhead’s side dishes are suitable for vegetarian guests. The salads and potatoes can be made vegan if required.